Monday 30 December 2013

Quick update and resolutions for 2014..

Ok, from my very first post I was unsure about my commitment to writing a blog regularly. Guess I know myself pretty well as it's been 3 months since my last post. 3 months, quarter of a year, 25% of the way to my years target of £1000.

Quarter way through my target time.
It was a shock all that time had passed so quickly but that's not to say I haven't had some success in my venture to make money from 'nothing'. I've been selling on eBay - mostly stuff from around the house that we don't need/want any more but also a few things I've made (watch out for some cool tutorials in the next week or 2) and so far I've got £250 in the account. If my aim in the first 12 months is to make £1000 then I'm bang on target with just that alone!
Remember to figure in your fees!

I also sold a couple of arm knitted scarfs in my partners shop and through work, not a great profit but made around £25. And I  reboxed a lot of bits I've gathered up at auctions and resold them (at different auctions) to make a profit of about £75!

The table and chair I bought at auction for £14 sold for £42  and my partner actually bought some bit's and bobs from me to sell in his shop (a sea fishing outfit in I found in the bottom of a box of bits showed the best profit when I paid £2.45 for the box and he paid me £25 for the suit!) so, all-in-all, I have saved up £400 in around 3 months. It has been work, sometimes fun, sometimes laborious but, considering I started with nothing to invest I don't think I've done too bad.